It is bad enough when they bag the crap and throw it in the undergrowth (where it takes forever for the bag to rot).
It is worse when they hang the bag on the trees/bushes.
But to leave it in the middle of the path just beggars belief.

The clouds looked much nicer.

Before mounting some pictures I had printed off I grabbed a couple of shots of the mini daffs before having to move them off my work table.

PD insisted on going along the old road where the old boots are still hanging in the tree (much better than a bag of shit). The laces are lasting better than I expected -- it must be a couple of years since I saw them first.
I have still to get a model for this tree, but I think I will wait until it is a bit warmer.

I wasn't aware of touching any young nettles or such this afternoon, but both my hands are nipping as if I have. It started just after I had been down on my hands and knees inside the dog rose bush trying to get a half decent shot of the red fungus which is growing in a gentle curve away into the heart of the spikes.

This evening I found out that one of the usual suspects is to have her gall bladder removed tomorrow after going into Anaphylactic shock on Sunday (caused by an antibiotic apparently). I will need to get a card and flowers tomorrow.

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