Going home!!!

After a very long time, I’m ashamed to say.
This has been a job fraught with problems and distractions, which I will not detail here, too long and boring  :0(
I have linked to the blip of the writing slope in its original state. Pictures were taken along the way and when I eventually get access to my Flickr account or a new one, I will post the before, during and after pictures.

This is not the best of pictures, the slightly lighter areas on the top are light reflections, not pale areas in the polish.
I have added a picture of the interior in extras. Purchasing the new leather on line was difficult as you cannot see what the quality of the gold tooling will be like. I bought 3 (one after another) and was still not really happy in the end, but gave up. I would only do this again if I could see the supplier face to face and make sure I was getting what I had ordered.
The slope belongs to P and he came to dinner this evening as R was at Uni today and is staying tonight, along with the girls.   We had a fun dinner, plenty of news and chat. I didn’t do haggis as I wasn’t sure if he liked it, but having checked that it’s OK, it on the menu for another evening.
He’s off home now, accompanied by the slope!!!

That's another job off the list :0)

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