Wednesday: Looking Up

I had a fairly random lunch today.  Or at least lunch with someone who was fairly random - the conversation kept going off at slightly odd, non sequiterial (I don't think there is such a word, but you know what I mean) tangents.  It wasn't helped by the fact that my lunch companion was, I think, unused to an English accent - I had to repeat nearly everything I said..........

K. has been unwell since yesterday evening.  With our amateur diagnosing skills, we think she may have an inner ear infection as she just feels very dizzy and nauseous when standing or moving.  If she's not better tomorrow, I'll take her to the doctors.  I should really have taken her today, I think, but first medical experiences in a new country feel a bit unsettling and you always hope things will just go away......

This is the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver, seen before, on my way back from lunch.  I really need to find some better blip material.

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