
I'm so far behind myself I can't remember much about this day - which tells me I can't have done a lot! I did go and feed Milkshake and as I was putting their rubbish bin out for  collection I surprised Circus Girl at their door. She was about to pop a card through the letterbox. We got chatting and she asked if I was coming to her birthday activity on saturday. It is her 50th and to celebrate she has booked to do Outdoor Laser Combat  locally. I hadn't replied to the invite as really didn't think it was my thing. Well she asked if I was coming and gave me more details - the more she told me the harder I found it to keep a straight face and I finally gave up and just started laughing! There are 3 "combats" - capturing a flag, storming a village and I forget the other one - by that time I past taking in any more information! The thought of me running around shooting people and being shot is just not me - I don't like guns and lets face it, I don't run! Only time I would run is when a child did a runner at school or the emergency bell went and I along with others would rush to the emergency. Oh and of course chasing escaped chickens - but even then the softly, softly approach works better! It also gave me a shiver of remembered humiliation of having to be in a team - I was always the last to be chosen at school as lets face it, at 5 ft nothing and not in the least sporty I  was not a desired team member! 
It turned out that I was not the only one uninspired to attend! Only Party Girl interested! She is now recruiting the teenage children of her own and her friends! The Angel's son is going so I may go to sit and chat with her - the only shooting I may do is to  take photos!
However Circus Girls next proposition I was very interested in - she has two rescue ponies and needs help grooming, training, walking and riding them! Apparently one bites and the other is very timid and likely to bolt! I'll let you know how that goes! 

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