Always trust Dale

School today was a little strange. Ellie and I had a great time, as we always do with our fantastic young people, but I'm always a little shocked by what they share with us. Trying to search behind the words and figure out what is bragging and bravado and what's more serious and needs to be passed on. What are the normal concerns of a teenager and what are serious concerns? I can't imagine how terrifying it must sometimes be to be the parent of a teenager.

We were a little sceptical about dinner tonight. While I've never found any reason to doubt Dale before, tonight's ingredients were questionable. Plus, no picture of the finished meal in the book - always a nightmare. No need to be concerned, this kale and potato salad with peanut chilli sauce and cherry tomatoes was utterly delicious. The peanut satay sauce was so good we could have eaten it by the spoonful and forgotten all about dinner. 

Just remembered a funny thing from school. A few of the girls were telling us about their boyfriends when one (of my favourites) piped up with this: 'Wanna know who my boyfriend is? PIZZA!' You go, girl'

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