Birthday Dinner

My son did not lie.  The family came over with two different pastas.  One being a crab scampi and the other a lobster red sauce, salad, fresh bread and as an appetizer Ahi tuna.  Let me tell you, absolutely delicious!!!  Then the hubby had the cake and that's me waiting to blow out the candles as they sing "Happy Birthday"!! (my son grabbed the camera) Our family is small but they are the best!!  I then was really surprised.  My granddaughter, my friend and I went to the Antique Mall during the day and just spent a couple of hours looking around.  I had spotted a Murano owl the last time I was there and was going to get it but it was already gone.  As we walked through we all made comments on different items, well one of the items I commented on was a Native American silver cuff bracelet and to my surprise, that was the gift I opened from the kids after the cake!! My granddaughter was sneaky - didn't even realize what she was up to.  Wonderful!  I'll take a shot of that tomorrow.

A very fun and happy day!!  Side shot, one of the booths at the Antique Mall.

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