A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Metaphorical clouds

I'm sure today has been quite normal and lots to be positive about but I have spent it distracted by an uneasy feeling. I can only assume Tuesday still hangs and I still finding myself holding my breath.

There have been some good distractions:

Everyone (including, of course, Albi) playing Woof.

Starting to plan a fundraising event for a friend's charity.

Reading. The year of reading continues well.

And when a gazillion files have downloaded I will include playing Lord of the Rings Online which will be my first MMO RPG. It is homework as I have signed up for a course examining narrative theory in video games and comparing their story telling with books and films. Hence the game choice. So it not only also contributes to the year of reading it means I will finally read LOTR. I am a intrigued and apprehensive in equal measure.

And later there will be The Imitation Game.

Lesley x

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