what we did today...

By SarnieV

Joan Eardley Exhibition

Had a day of contrasts. I started at a sharing the learning science event st the school - a talk followed by visits to each boy's class to see what science they were doing. Usually the P6 clad is the noisiest but today they were totally taken by a genetic problem. P3 on the other hand were exploring sound...they definitely made plenty!
Then I headed into Edinburgh to deliver some paintings to Scottish Design Exchange. I've had a big studio clear out and have mounted some old paintings that had damaged frames so I can sell them off at bargain prices.
Lunch was with my lovely artist friends at Modern Two, at the Scottish Modern Art Gallery. I had a fabulous mushrooms on sourdough toast with poached egg. Yum!
The Joan Eardley exhibition did not disappoint. I love her work - this is my favourite painting.

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