
A good lie-in was the order of the day. I hadn't wanted to stay in bed too late, as there was stuff I wanted to do today, but when it came down to it, I couldn't make myself wake up and get out of bed. I lay there half asleep, half awake for what felt like ages!

Once I was up and had breakfast I replied to comments on here then got ready and went into town. I will be glad when our shower is fixed/replaced - getting ready is a much longer job with no shower for hair-washing! 

I had to buy a new hot water bottle as I have managed to lose the stopper of the old one. It has de-materialised into thin air - how does that even happen? 

While in town I took photos of course. I took some of the building the market is in, and some of these buskers, who were actually very good! I was in a faffing about mood, and have edited this quite a bit with Picasa!

I'm going to have a Chinese take away tonight - Gong ci fa cai! 

Tomorrow I am going to start being healthier again!

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