Open Eyed

Dropped in to see LML and the Cygnet mid morning.
He was on great form I am glad to say.

The afternoon was spent getting paperwork together for the camera club's SGM.

In the evening SWMBO joined me in going to the meeting even though she is not a member of the club - she had things she wanted to say face to face to a couple of people - and we handed out sheets of paper with my side of things.

The structure of the evening was set out by the 'chair' and it was apinfully clear that it was designed to try and ensure that I could not speak out .............. that failed.
There were members who wanted me to read out my statement and I was allowed to do so (as if I was going to be stopped since my resignation was the cause of reason for the meeting).
There were some sheepish faces but I did not go nearly as far as I could have done but I think the members began to understand that there were problems with the committee which were far from resolved.

At the end of the meeting there seemed to be a feeling from 'the committee' that it was now all over and everthing was fine with no hard feelings.
They have a shock coming ............ SWMBO has plans.

Still - the janitorial staff had no blood to clear up.

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