Lying down on the job.

I was lying waiting on a car coming past so that there might be a slightly more interesting background.
When it did come along - the guy stopped.
He thought I had collapsed.

What a caring man

Squirrel has worked out it is better to walk rather than crawl (except when I have forgotten to close the stair gate and she is racing me to it).
She was very well behaved when she went to visit her great-grandmother this afternoon ........... no running riot in a very child unfriendly flat and she was very taken with the pendulum on the cuckoo clock.

The Cygnet was a wee swine when he came home from nursery - over tired and reacting to Bags going back to work.
But it wont last.
Not if he wants to live anyway.

Committee meeting this evening.
We thought the Zumba keep fit class was going to join us ........ when the ceiling collapsed. The whole building was moving, the light fittings were rattling and we could hardly hear ourselves. I only saw about half a dozen folk leaving at the end of the class as well.

it was a nice relaxed meeting which was followed by a pint afterwards ....... very civilised.

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