Olympic barbecue

Charles and Kirsty came round today to give Orla their birthday present - a Sylvanian Families Games set. We all had lunch outside in the garden, played a bit of cricket and then Charles and Kirsty left. We headed to Matthew's for his garden party to watch the Olympic closing ceremony. There were two little brothers there, one a year older than Orla. They managed to play together some of the time, but it was a bit fraught. He wasn't that keen on girls and sometimes said she couldn't play. Then she would come and sit with me and he would come over and ask her play, and she was say 'no fank you', and he would cry and go to his mum! He really upset her at one point by saying she was 2. 'Mummy that boy says I'm 2 and I'm not 2 I'm 4!' Apart from one very brief shower it was nice enough for us to stay outside to watch the whole thing. Orla fell asleep on my lap under a blanket.

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