Cat's Eyes

The day started with Zak being delivered at 745...the poor little devil has got conjunctivitis and the first job was to get his eye drops in....he screamed the place down, but once it was done peace returned to the barmkin once more.

After lots of playing  he started yawning ans so C put him in his cot...he didn't like it and bawled until someone picked him up & dumped him on my lap. I got him off to sleep & C managed to lift him off me & put him on the sofa where he stayed for a good 90 minutes. He woke up & it was lunchtime & then eye drops..then it was playtime., Sleep time came around again & he sat on my lap & went to sleep for the best part of an hour. N walked in to take him home but before that it was eye drop time  - oh dear it doesn't get any better .

We are now recovering and one of my eyes is itching & prickly....

Mild day  

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