Now its obvious that I didn't take this shot, but the man pictured took it after several attempts..not bad for 10 (months that is) & lots of help !

We went to see Daph this morning & were lucky enough to time it so that we saw the Doctor who had been called to look at her.

Her chest infection has turned out to be something more serious and she doesn't have much longer. ....

At C's request I called around to tell N leaving C with her mum. N then popped to see her with Zak before bringing C & Z back here. We had said we could have Z this pm because the conjunctivitis had put an end to his day at nursery. He was a bit grizzly & his eyes were very gunky but he is very resilient as long as you keep him fed & entertained..

So, a tiring stressful emotional day.

Mild day with rain

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