Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk


Morning walk in sunshine! Felt like ages ago, but it was probably sometime last week. So, this is the road in sunshine and the forest is just lovely. Had my camera with me and took a lot of photos. The walk wasn't long because I don't feel well, but it was nice with some fresh air.
Tomorow I'm meeting my new job coach. My previous has quit, not because of me though! ;) And finally I got a new one, after a week of silence. One of my friends did give me a tip of another agency that have job coaches for academics. She have good experience with them and I have sent an email to my contact at the employment agency about that agency. Perhaps I can change... hopefully I can change.
I haven't used Word today, so any spelling- and gramatic misstakes are all mine. :)

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