
By Appreciation

I do intend to take as many images of my girl as she will allow over the coming 10 or so days, as I have a sense that the girl who may return after a term, or even just a few weeks at University, may be a very different one - still mine, yet branching out into her own life. That's both exciting and terrifying for us all.

She was giving me the big 'What!' today when I was asking her to pose. I tried a few props but she was having none of it. So I decided to take her into the boy's room. The new colour on his walls is just perfect for black and white. I think every house should have a room just like it. It did the trick, and I am pleased with the strength this image shows.

Tonight is the last night we are able to celebrate together as the boys have commitments every other night and my man is away on Sunday for 2 weeks. His first big trip away. We are off out for tea. I know that so long as I am busy attending to the business side of this big step I am able to tuck my emotion away, whilst ticking off the lists. The lists are soon coming to an end though!!!

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