The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A wet morning with no concerns about dog walking in the rain! We spent much of the morning at the dog park, where Maisie was ridiculously barky.

Because she's my first dog (and also because most of my life I've been afraid of dogs barking) I always worry about it. Partly because I don't really know why she's barking - sometimes it will be fear, sometimes attention seeking etc etc and it always concerns me that people will think she's aggressive.

There are so many helpful and very well informed staff at the park .. and I was greatly reassured to see that none of them took much notice of her barking at all - and when I asked they just said it was her wanting to say 'hello' to everyone.

In the afternoon we popped out in the car and saw this little owl flying away from his woodpile perch.

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