
...been sneezing constantly since about 3pm! Caught the Fangles lurgy me thinks.

First part of day involved the usual golf regime. Sat in for coffee this morning and only did one walk as it was dreich today. During first lesson big boys, Mr R and I nipped to get paint for the boys' room. Bedroom number 2 is getting done...it is!

A wee picnic lunch again between lesson 2 & 3...this works best with these drawn out lessons. Then we read whilst the Rooster was at his lesson...walk occurred during lesson 2. It's one way to spend a Saturday...not a bad way.

Back home I started organising the bedroom that is going to be painted and I started sneezing!

Haggis, neeps and tatties for dinner tonight as we were all running about in different directions on Wednesday and couldn't enjoy it together. It was good. Washed down with a wee irn bru!

After that collapsed in front of the fire and popped "Alice through the looking glass" on. First time watching it...enjoyed it.

I'm grateful for a busy and productive Saturday.

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