A busy Sunday...

...and a bit of a creative one for me...it’s not usual.

First off to Church and Sunday Club with the wee fella. On Sunday Club we made some bird feeders...pine cones with a piece of string round them, smothered in chocolate spread and rolled in oats. I thought we might be toiling to get them done in the time we had but all was executed quite quickly and with a minimum of mess. There was even time for the children to tackle the bird word search and the colouring in.

Home and a cup of coffee and some toast, sourdough with smashed avocado, my favourite. Then I decided to make some crumble top Mincemeat pies. There was half a jar of mincemeat needing used up... best to get it used before we are out of January.

Then back down to the Church Hall to help at Messy Church. Our Church runs them in conjunction with St.Columba’s Church in Stirling and it was our turn to host in our Church Hall but both churches take a hand in running them on the day. The theme was “The Real Me” and the older children worked on making these Mannequin/cardboard people. The younger ones had lots of different crafts to choose from. It was a really busy event and one all the cleaning up from the meal was completed just after 6:30 when I headed home.

So all in all quite a lot of “making” things today.

Grateful for a wee change in routine and the success of the Messy Church event.

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