park capers

It's nearly the end of the week which seems to spell  shenanigans in the park; from both the two legged  and four legged characters.

Even Lady Blah Blah has been a saucy minx today.    Don't ask... but I was quite shocked at her chatter,  being the saintly angel that I am.  
Anyway all that and sleep deprivation thrown into the mix triggered off an ocular migraine  for me earlier.   It causes a temporary blindness in one eye accompanied by a dull headache.      
I can see again now but I feel extremely tired and have just said the daftest thing to a client on the phone which made us all fall about laughing, including the client, thank goodness.

Sorry I'm still badly behind with comments...

extra image  is the teeny tiny bunch of flowers I got sent by the vehicle recovery clowns by way of an apology.  I know you were itching to know what it would be.   As you can imagine I could barely contain my excitement...

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