39.192584, 23.604637
Having not received our January quota of Halcyon days, February has begun well and I am occupied carting fallen branches hither and thither up and down the hillside. Busy.
But Kiki's church is just so close I thought I would nip over and take a shot of it. Kiki's church is dedicated to Archangel Michael and she has an icon of him outside, which is an unusual touch. The little church was locked which was a great pity because I am fond of her taste in interior finishing but it seems there were a few interior floor tiles left over so she has put some outside. Here then is a little montage of what can be seen when the church is locked.
Kiki herself is about 77 I think and she was taking advantage of a nice day to prune her vineyard. I was tempted but decided not to call her down and ask her to open the church for me. Sorry.
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