
By Fido


Across the water from Arisaig via the Sheerwater to the amazing island of Eigg on this day. I have taken ages to backblip this entry partly because I wanted to take the time to write something of significance about the day.

I'd never been to Eigg before, but I feel like a part of the island is in my DNA. My dad and his family lived on the island for a number of years when he was a young boy and I have heard numerous stories from him and my aunt and uncles about what it was like to grow up there.

It was strange and exciting crossing on the scenic boat (which follows a kind of a timetable but diverts off course if there is something exciting to see, in our case, a minke whale) to reach the island with it's distinctive landscape dominated by the rock outcrop. When we arrived we wandered round the bay to the beach where my dad and his siblings would have paddled and swam. As keen as we were to explore, it was hard to move from such an idyllic spot, particularly given the day was so hot and calm. We did move though and some of the party climbed An Sgurr, the rock outcrop, whilst others played on the fishing net hammocks and bouy and tyre swings and others wandered round towards the wind turbines which generate the island's electricity.

All too soon we were back on the boat and heading home and I was left with a strong desire to spend some more time there again soon, perhaps with a former resident as a guide?!

I didn't manage to do the island or my visit justice with this entry, so for some more pictures from around Eigg and some more poetic words to go along with them, have a look at the blip journal of my auntie who knows everything, starting here.

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