Black Headed Gull

I really hope the shower situation is sorted out soon. It is such hard work washing your hair with no shower. I can be in and out of the shower in 20 minutes if I push it, even allowing for hair conditioning and faffery, but currently I need at least an hour. That hour involves gymnastics and water torture!

Once all that was out of the way, I headed into town - I had to pay a bill, order some flea repellent for Minstrel and, since I was down there, get some Morrison's salad for my tea.

I went back via the Brayford, and took some photos. The landscape is spoilt at the moment by a building site and two huge cranes where more student accommodation is being slung up, so I took some shots of this gull, just getting its summer feathers!

Whilst in Morrison's I noticed Iceberg lettuces are on ration - two per customer! And they cost £1.17 each! I noticed the other week when I bought some for work that they were expensive, but it was from  the corner shop near the chippy so I thought they were just seeing what they could get away with. No - apparently there's a shortage of them!

Minstrel is wise to me and flea repellent now. As soon as he heard me open the vial he ran away. I waited until he was sleeping, and even then he opened one eye and looked at me when I went into the room he'd taken refuge in. I pretended to be busy with something else to lull him into a false sense of security and he went back to sleep. After a few minutes I struck! The flea stuff was on before he had a chance to leg it! He wasn't happy but forgave me after a few treats!

My feet are killing now. I think it's these socks - they have a rough, sort of corrugated texture, which has brought up blisters on the soles of my feet - ouch! Glad I'm well over my 10000 steps for the day!

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