2011 photo resolution

By karenanya


My work day was full of back to back meetings today. I was very pleased that the last one of the day got cancelled as the other attendee was ill. Didn't even get a lunchtime as a meeting over-ran. 

Left dead on time and cycled home in not quite darkness - the evenings are definitely getting lighter. Quick change and out for a spinning class. The instructor decided to get us working at very high revs (over 120 in some tracks). I'm not sure my legs can do that anymore and I didn't make it up to the top speeds that he was encouraging us to hit. The distance was over 21 kilometres by the end so I had tried hard. 

We showered while son number one soaked in the bath upstairs. Found him later, snuggled up in the Game of Thrones blanket that I made for him. It was made extra long so that he can tuck his feet in. It seems to do the job. 

Fell asleep watching The Last Leg and was pleased to go to bed. 

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