
The only thing I managed to image tonight.

Things I have learned today, in reverse order:

1. When you accidentally kick your telescope's tripod mid-alignment, it completely knackers up your alignment.
2. When you knacker up your alignment, you have to start again.
3. This is annoying, particularly when the weather suddenly changes and clouds appear from nowhere in what was a crystal clear sky 2 minutes previously.
4. Realignment requires putting the tripod back, re-doing polar alignment and then finding 3 stars in a patchy cloudy sky.


Ah well, I managed it, then I managed to image Deneb and discovered that my new camera is MUCH BETTER at imaging the stars. All those extra mega-pixels and a much better live view screen has helped enormously.

Other things I have learned today:
5. It doesn't matter if you have to wait for an appointment, as long as the appointment is successful.
6. Sitting with a consultant who listens, empathises, asks questions, discusses the possibilities and suggests a course of action that is prudent and will provide some answers is quite possibly the best feeling in the world ...

well, I maybe overstate how good a feeling it is, but it felt like a weight lifted off me this afternoon when I was finally told I could have my diagnostic laparoscopy and also given a number of possible scenarios/outcomes and ways forward beyond the procedure.

Although the pain is still there, I feel more optimistic that I am being taken seriously and that finally someone understands how debilitating this is and therefore that it needs to be resolved quickly, for the sake of my sanity and that of my boys.

A simple acknowledgement from the consultant "Pain is easier to bear when you know there is a possible end in sight" was enough to lift the worry...

The nursing staff were fabulous too.

It's been a positive day. Made better by the father of the errant man-child from next door returning home, so we can return to being able to sleep. I appreciate everyone's comments from yesterday and have resolved to speak to his Dad, as I am pretty certain that he will tackle the man-child ...the mother is away on holiday with the other son and she has a tendency to dismiss these things as 'high jinks'...however, having checked a number of sources, disturbances between 11pm and 7am in residencial areas can result in ASBOs being imposed...which given man-child's history, is probably not something he I am going to raise my concerns. And if man-child retaliates at any point, then it is more fuel for the fire I guess. Thanks for bolstering my resolve.


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