Fighting sleep

And why wouldn't she, with so much going on around her?

Had a lovely afternoon with the ladies. 6 of us descended upon the pub across the road from school to 'do lunch' and to coo over the little wondrous creature you see resisting sleep in the picture.

She is definitely my most favourite baby ever. I turn back into 'mummy mode' whenever I see her. I am sure Michelle must get fed up of me fussing over her little bundle.

I think what's happened is that I am able to be fascinated with her development, her inquisitiveness, all of those things that I know I took notice of with James but was probably too stressed as a new mum to notice. I hope that Michelle knows how many of us would do anything to support her if she needed it, because we would be there like a shot if she shouted.

Journey home was rubbish and bizarre. The afternoon had seen virtually every sort of weather, short of snow, and I drove home through rain, after having experienced quite an impressive thunderstorm. Sections of the hard shoulder of the motorway were 2 inches thick with hailstones - it looked like snow - which was so incongruous against the bright sunlight that was dazzling me with a black cloud visible in my rearview mirror. It felt a tad apocolyptic. Of course there was the usual tea time motorway muppetry - people driving too close, particularly given the conditions, resulting in accidents. I wonder why people are surprised when they ram into the back of someone that they have been slipstreaming at 70 miles an hour!

The evening has been spent watching the Horizon episode from Monday night, mushing my head with concepts of a finite or infinite universe (either one raises too many questions for me) and then finalising the DVD copies of Helen and Gary's photos from the end of July.

I think they are on my website now, although I am having some issues viewing webpages on my computer. They are definitely linked from my facebook page.

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