Eye to Eye

By HilarysView

Mountain Light Leaving Present.

The forecast promised grey skies and rain this morning so this was a welcome surprise and farewell. I always miss our view even for a few days away. Of course large is better.

The Dents de Morcles are on the left just picking up the sun (where the bouquetins were yesterday). The Trient Glacier is at the far end of the Rhone Valley. The Dents de Midi always so dramatic and aloof, are a geological accident, not joined to the rest of the Pre-Alps.

Now in GB and watched a stunning sunset from the train, leaving Manchester airport. Blipping makes you so much more aware of beauty everywhere. The other people in the carriage were looking askance at this weird "mature" lady taking photos through the window - some came out quite well but not good enough to blip! Goodnight; will do blipcomments tomorrow.

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