A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Another indoors, end of day snap. Oops.

After yesterday's flop it's been good to have a day of doing. I still felt fairly weary this morning but headed out to church & was thankful for an easily grasped sermon. I picked up a few bits in town, including a reduced M&S ready meals (M&S ready meals somehow seem a little more justifiable, don't they?) before heading home.

After my very tasty, essentially effort-free, only slightly naughty lunch, I cleared up and set about making soup for the week. While the soup simmered I baked some cupcakes, tidied up, put on some laundry and jumped out of my skin when the washing machine jumped out of its place. Then some downtime before Danielle popped over for a cuppa catch-up and it was time for church again.

I used to shy away from going to Church @ Prayer services but I've come to really value them. The mini sermon seems to really hit the spot, it's great to hear updates from different ministries and it's a helpful space to grow in prayerfulness.

Then it was back to the flat for a phone call home, and a good ol' natter with my flat mates. I'm now about to get stuck into this book. One of the coffee shops in town has recently started running a book club so I have decided to give it a try and this is February's read. I have no idea what to expect of the book club but am looking forward to reading something that I probably wouldn't normally pick off the shelf.

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