A MIMent In Time

By justmim

The office is always a little colder on a Monday and I had been feeling particularly chilly today. So I decided that eating my dinner on my bed, making the most of my electric blanket, was in order. Hopefully I don't live to regret it when I find lots of grains of cous cous in my sheets!

Today was okay for a Monday but I have hit a bit of a wall with my publication writing. I think tomorrow I need to go back over what I have written so far and work that around a bit before adding any more.

At the start of the year, Mei, Hannah & I decided that we would all work through the same book so that we could chat about it as a flat. This evening we were finally in a place where we were all free and ready to chat through the first two chapters. It feels like we are all in quite a similar place at the moment, yet still had different perspectives to share and enjoyed a few giggles along the way. I am so thankful for these ladies and this flat.

I noticed that I had posted on Facebook 4 years ago today remarking that, having spent the day in the city centre, I would like to live in a more central location. I had no idea then that a few months later I would move to be within easy walking distance of some of my favourite spots. Though I often take it for granted, I have much to be thankful for on my own doorstep and right where I am. Here's to not forgetting!

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