
The parts of today that haven't involved music have basically been lego. She woke up quite early and played in her room building a talent competition theatre (based loosely on the movie Sing). She and I played together for ages with it, building refreshment stalls and seating and additional instruments. Later in the day when  Grandad and Granny visited for tea, he and Katie built a tram and shuttle bus for the audience and shipped them all to the concert. 

She had the last entry of her music festival performances today. She was playing a rainbow piece and wore her favourite rainbow dress. She got herself quite nervous beforehand and was a bit rude to me & B but then went on and did a wonderful job, hiding it totally and really enjoying it. When she stood there and announced her piece, she got an awww. My dad said that after a few bars, the bigger kids from the senior group were making very impressed noises. She was 3 or 4 years younger than the rest of the class and did herself proud. Second place was her reward. 

We had a big meltdown from her after a plan changed and she didn't cope well with it so I sent her for a few quiet minutes in her bed with her soft friends when we got home. She then managed to come round and have a nice time with G&G but lost the plot again at bedtime. She's normally fabulous at settling down but it was not happening tonight. She was probably overtired. She ended up in my bed, a bit sad with herself. 

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