
By Legacy


Didn't expect more snow and freezing temperatures in the night but that's what we got.  When I finally got up (I slept in) I was greeted with this sight and the irate chattering of a couple hummies who were definitely not pleased that their breakfast was frozen.  They waited, not all that patiently I might add, while I remedied the situation and provided a nice fresh feeder full of sugar water.  They forgave me, I think.  See my Extra picture of the happy hummie at the feeder moments after I put it out.  Hopefully I'm back in their good graces.   It's been snowing all day and you can bet I won't forget to bring in their feeder tonight.   

Also in Extras is what I saw on my doorstep this morning.  Clearly the hummies weren't the only ones looking for breakfast.  I think I'm in danger of losing favor with the local wildlife.

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