And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Phew what a relief!

yesterday started well with our walk to the harbour then came home to cook the chuck and trimmings then did my blip. Disaster struck after dinner, me and dad went for a walk, after a while we stopped for a rest on a bench. Ash found a huge piece of wood he was so happy running up and down with it he then got tired and laid down to munch on it he chews and spits out the wood, he has done for that years with no problems. Me and dad was talking over his troubles and all the while my eyes were on Ash, then he yelped a heart stooping jaw opening yelp! he spun round a few times like he was trying to get away from something and then he walked towards me as I was walking towards him. I checked him all over eyes ears, nose, feet but I couldn't see anything. He then started playing again and seemed happy we walked home and as soon as we got in he was sick, there was a 2inch piece of wood in it, 10 mins later he was sick again just bile this time, 5mins after sick again by this time I had phoned the vet and they told us to come down straight away. They checked him out he was very brave, they gave him 2injections told us not to feed him and just give him sips of water. Im not sure if its all out. He as eaten today and you can tell he find it hard to swallow. It was awful at the time and it happened so fast I was thinking the worse. But its over now so thats that I do love him so.

love c xxx

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