The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Maisie is now on a raw diet. Even the most evangelical raw feeders are wary of allowing tripe in the house as it's so smelly. But as it's so good for dogs I decided to give it a try. I put the frozen block in the fridge. Two days later it had leaked all over the shelf and made the entire fridge smell like a cross between a sewer and a farmyard - yuk!

So I spent a very long time cleaning the fridge this morning! And there's a pot of bicarb on each shelf as it's still a bit whiffy! You have been warned!

For the last few years a friend has been telling me that I should get a sheepdog for my knitted nativity.
So when a different friend told me about a border collie charity which has a lady that'll knit a caricature of your own dog from photos I had to order one. Here's mini sheepdog Maisie posing with the shepherds and their sheep

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