The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

What a grim day ..

Today should have been an exciting adventure for Maisie and me. We were going to visit a friend who has foxes (mainly foxes which can't be returned to the wild for one reason and another) and pet raccoons. She also has six dogs so Maisie would have had plenty of playmates.

An hour and a half into the journey the care home rang and told me mum's health had taken a real nose dive and I needed to go in asap. So I turned around - dropped Maisie off at home and went into see mum. She was in her bed, looking very miserable - I'll spare you the rest of the details. The doctor came while I was there and said her chest sounded clear (she has had a terrible chest infection) .. but obviously she still had muck on her chest so he prescribed more antibiotics.

I stayed for a while - but she was dozing and I headed back home. I thought Maisie had had such a dull day so far I'd better take her to the dog park - but she wasn't very interested in playing when we got there - I have a terrible feeling she may have been over doing it, which would explain why she hasn't been keen to get into the car for a couple of days. I'd assumed she just didn't want to get in - but now I wonder if she's too achy to hop in! Duvet day for her tomorrow!

My blip is today's delivery of toilet rolls!  I came across an advert for this company recently and decided to place an order.

It's recycled paper and they donate 50% of their profits to help build toilets and improve sanitation in the developing world.

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