Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


Back in July I blipped about the amazing creative, community-focused happenings taking place on the flyover just outside my office...

Today I had the opportunity to have a conversation with Kate Stewart, one of the people who made all that happen. And she makes a whole lot else happen besides. In her capacity as co-founder of We Make Places and Friends of the Flyover she's on a mission, as she says, to get us to view "ignored, underused or condemned places in a new light, allowing them to rise again becoming healthy, happy, active and loved."

Kate is a woman of many talents. She's managed design studios and theatre companies, taught business skills to students at LIPA (Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts) and elsewhere, and established an enviable reputation as a crowdfunding guru! And in her spare time she runs a jewellery business, Factory Floor Jewels, selling her own creations - some of which she's modelling here.

We talked about various ideas for projects on which we could work together and I left the meeting feeling really energised after having had a gloomy few days on the work front. So, thanks to Kate for giving me a shot in the arm!

During the course of our conversation, mention was made of Amanda Palmer's book 'The Art of Asking' and so today's musical selection is also by Amanda Palmer. Or is it all just 'In my Mind'?

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