A chipmunk sighting in February

It's the calm before a snowstorm predicted to bring a fair amount of snow in a fast moving storm tomorrow. Today's unseasonable spring temperatures apparently woke this little lady from her winter slumber. I was very surprised to see her through the glass back door and quickly stashed some peanuts in the special chipmunk only spot among the rocks. She found them quickly and was busy restocking her pantry.

We are so very proud of Elizabeth Warren, our own Senator from Massachusetts.  She met GOP resistance last night while attempting to read a 1986 letter from the Coretta King, the wife of Dr. Martin Luther King  at the Senate Hearings for the confirmation of Jeff Sessions for Attorney General. You can read about it here, sorry about the ads. I had to go out in the barn and photograph an old campaign sign we had on the lawn when she last ran for the Senate. You can see it in the extra. 

For the Record,
This day came in cold with fog. Icy rain coated the roads near and north of Boston leading to a 55 car pile up and folks with broken bones showing up at the ER's in Boston. Springlike today, big snowstorm predicted for tomorrow! We're in the 8-14 inch zone.

All hands disturbed.

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