A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Tidy, oh so tidy!

Well, today hasn't exactly looked how I thought it would when I woke up this morning!

Woke up early with a fairly chilled start, aiming to get the train and head into Edinburgh for work training. All fine. Arrived at the station early to collect my ticket, again all fine. But the train was delayed so once we arrived I had a bit of a mad dash to get there on time. Got there on time, only to discover when getting to the room that today and tomorrow's training had been cancelled. Hm!

So back to the flat to begin sorting through my list of things to get done before placement. One of the things was sorting out my food cupboard (exciting, I know!) so here it is. :]

Productive day, hindered slightly only briefly when I sliced my fingernail on a screw in one of the cupboards - ouch!

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