The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

January, February

You have to be of a certain age to know that this is the title of a Barbara Dickson song!

January, February, don't you come around...

This is all I recall. Maybe it was from a musical.

Today's post contained some surprising parcels: not the thing from Nauticalia that my mother is sending me; not the jigsaw that TML has had sent; but a seed sprouting jar from me to me; and a surprise package sister Kate with the cryptic message,

' Sorry you missed January'.

'But I didn't! ' I thought, and then realised she'd sent me a calendar and, guess what! It's now February! (I also posted her a year planner on 4th February!)

When I opened the Ian Gowdie art calendar, all was revealed. Miss January is Achnaba church, next to our family home in North Connel, Argyll! This is our life. I've blipped it before. I'll put up the link when I'm on the laptop. this shows the church from the rear aspect. My grandmother and my aunt (well, half her ashes) are buried there. 

The other scenes are what I'd call extremely local, too. The sunsets are pretty damn good, it is not unknown for the sky to be blood red, though not usually as blue at the same time.

The book contains mini-sagas in 100 words, some  about meetings with famous historical figures. My niece Jezzie has had her story published, called When I met Alexander the Great. She was nine when she wrote it. Ten now. Hurrah!

I'm now wondering which historical figure I would choose to meet, and how. Wait, I have an idea!

I am now on half term from nursery. Double hurrah! The self employed work will proceed as usual, but I will have time to read. Yes please!

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