Brexit and New Zealand

The whole political scene is brexit or Donald Trump. Brexit horrifies me, the way our Government is planning to leave the largest trading blocking in the world, for a series of bilateral trade deals that all have to be negotiated from a position of desperation ,is mind bogglingly stupid. Wales is dependant on a very narrow economic base and our sheep industry is a very important  pillar of that economy. 
Mr John Redwood MP, a former Secretary of State for Wales, made a speech in Parliament yesterday in which he actually proposed allowing New Zealand lamb to enter the country with out tariff in exchange for allowing the City of London access to the financial services market in New Zealand. Of course the New Zealand Prime Minister was the first visitor to No 10 to discuss a trade deal. Mr Redwood suggested our sheep farmers could survive on environmental subsidies provided by this backstabbing duplicitous government. The Welsh Minister of Agriculture has already sated that brexit could be the death of Welsh sheep farming and that was before Mr Redwood had unveiled his grand plan. 
One thing the population of the UK is being force fed is the spin from the pro brexit lobby ,little is heard of the EU position regarding the forthcoming negotiations or how the rest of the world is viewing our dilemmour. I would love to know what  the New Zealand sheep farmer is thinking about this and is brexit an opportunity they are going to be able to pursue.. 
My picture is of last years lamb crop which moves down from the hills to the lush grazing of the coastal plain, eg Pembrokeshire, for finishing before being sold into the French and Spanish markets. Does Mr Redwood intend to give away that trade as welL?????

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