
Caws is Welsh for cheese. This picture is  a great piece of marketing for a small artisan cheese making farm at Rosebush in the Preaelli Hills. The word has been planted into the hillside, using christmas trees, and is visible for miles. A  number of small cheese makers have started making their specialist products often in an attempt to remain in business as the traditional family dairy farm is under massive financial pressure and many will not survive.
This decline has been happening for many years and I saw the similar  dramatic decline in Wisconsin, USA. which used to be the centre of the American dairy industry, The state was at its best when the family dairy farms averaged 60 cows and as you drove along the roads the pretty wooden farmhouses where accompanied by the traditional barn and forage  tower containing maize silage. Now as you drive along those roads you pass abandoned farm after abandoned farm until you come upon large farm businesses usually above 1000 cows milked by Mexican labour and where maximum milk  production per cow is the name of the game. 
This is the direction that the traditional Welsh dairy farm is being forced and I don't doubt that after the brexit vote this trend will only accelerate to the detriment of the whole rural community.

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