Tough Love!

I saw my neighbours pegs on the washing line as I went to open the chickens - I just love washing lines!
Milkshake was under the bed this morning and stayed there till I took food up - but then all she wanted to do was explore the room and brush up against me. She kept going to the doorway and looked along the first landing and down the stairs - obviously thinking FatCat was either up or down and undecided which way was safe! After 40 mins I got tired of waiting so scooped her up and took her downstairs! Come the evening she got caught in the same dilemma - should she join me in the front room or was FatCat there? I again made the decision for her and took her in. She happily slept there till it was time for bed - she followed me into the kitchen - success!  Meanwhile I think FatCat must be getting hungry as she was still upstairs - but I don't think she is going to fade away anytime soon! Either thirst or hunger will see her venture down - i have put a cat litter tray on the landing though! 
Meanwhile up on the allotment I think Izzy has gone broody! She was in the coop on an egg ( her own as the others are not laying!) and was mighty aggrieved to be scooped out! Tough love for all my animals it seems! 

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