Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


I had a tooth out this morning. The dentist was very pleased, said it was a textbook extraction. From my perspective it was a bit painful, particularly the bit I hate where they stick a needle in the roof of your mouth. Oh and the bit where I got charged a hundred and thirty five quid.  That was painful...

Funny thing about dentists and the way they talked to you when you have a mouth full of metal. All you can say is things like "qwerty" and "falafel" - or sounds like that.

I was offered the tooth but declined which was daft as it would have made a good blip, although maybe a bit visceral. 

Anyway, worked from home the rest of the day, dosing myself up on painkillers. Got better as the day went on. Was tempted to keep going but at 5pm Scout flopped down on my keyboard - his way of saying qwerty. I believe in omens and this one said "pack it in". So I did.

A cold and miserable day, Top Gun and Mr G are supposed to be dragging me out for a beer tonight but I'm not sure I can do the weather. Although the extra pain relief might be worthwhile ...

Postscript: Continuing the dental theme, Top Gun and I had a movie night and watched Jurassic World. Lot of teeth in that film. Big teeth ...

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