Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


I was in ASDA today when I started thinking about the eternal paradox. I couldn't help myself, you know how it is sometimes. It goes like this. If everything were perfect what would there be to strive for?  Therefore, in order for people to be happy the world must be imperfect. But if the world is imperfect you can't be satisfied therefore you can't be happy ... 

Anyway I did buy a new hat. It was sleeting and cold and my glasses kept getting mucky. I like this one. It wasn't cheap but it makes me feel a bit revolutionary. Know what I mean comrade?

Watched Inferno with Tom Hanks and the gorgeous Felicity Jones tonight. Falls into the category of film known as "bad movies that I enjoyed". Think it was all the scenes of Italy and Istanbul that suckered me in. 

Dylan had visitors today, concerned people that used to chat to him out on the streets when he was the neighbourhood cat. They even bought presents. Lovely people. Only Iive a few hundred yards away.

I also met up with an old colleague - we try and go for coffee a couple of times a year and chew the fat. And there is a lot to chew on at the moment.

So a pretty good day, even managed to get a bit more DIY done ... I mean, we may live in a paradox but you have to keep the house nice, right?

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