Someday you'll pay the price I know
It was a grey day today, Not heavy cloud, but cloud, Light, but no sun. It was just grey.
Himself got up sharp, did 23 minutes exercising... then headed up to the allotment. That was enough to shame me into getting out of my bed, and doing some housework. I had already sat down on my arse with the crochet, when he appeared back. He had a shower, and we headed out for the shopping.
Then we headed over to Irvine for something for the Allotment. Every movement out of the car was an effort because of the cold -the wind was biting.
Then as we drove home... and I caught a glimpse of the sun disappearing behind the skyline.
I urged himself to drive home and let me catch the rays as they disappeared.
Don't let the blue blue make you think I failed, I launched myself from the car, and ran - the tide was out and by the car park, the sun was already hidden behind the harbour - so I had to run back north along the beach *see extra.... in order to capture it.
But my eyes were drawn to Arran, and it's peaks kissed with snow. There's been very little snow this year - a mere handful of days when Goatfell has been white. The blue and the white and the grey and the hint of pink tells you very quietly, and very clearly, just how cold it was.
once i had satisfied myself of all the photos of the sun and the snow, I walked slowly and carefully back to the car.... and himself was lost in the music of Radio 2 and the heat from the blower.
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