A train in the rain

The plan was to head out to Sintra although weatherwise the day didn't look promising, and it didn't improve. It's a 40 minute train ride taking us through the suberbs all looking gloomy in the pouring rain arriving into Sintra to a cold.

We wandered for an hour and despite the weather the place was busy, can't imagine what it's like during the summer months. Perhaps we should have taken a tour but it all felt too cold and wet to be cooped up inside a bus or Tuk tuk. ( I bet this makes us sound a miserable pair).

However once we stopped for somethng to eat things looked up. The cafe was warm with Miles Davies music playing in the back ground, egg and chips served with great humour and a good coffee. All for €12. For both of us. Feeling much better we made ourselves go back out into the rain even taking the camera out for a few shots.

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