
 Yesterday the sky was overcast, though mercifully not raining and this morning the sun was shining and the row of Acacias  on our street had burst into glorious bloom. They're not always welcomed so enthusiastically because their pollen causes serious problems for hay fever sufferers, but we're all so waterlogged that even they were willing to risk it for a double hit of sunshine. 

The rains will be returning soon enough, so we are all out enjoying it. except perhaps the people who had a tree leaning dangerously over their house and called out the tree guy who was supposed to cut up our fallen tree so that we can repair the fence. 

Dana and Jim were having a party at their house last night, so Rudy and Blake spent the night with us. We divided them up between two bedrooms and the two of us, but musical beds still ensued because nobody wanted to be where they started.

The ornamental kale planted in pots by our bedroom door survived the gale force winds and rain, but not Blake and/or Rudy who dug them up and ate them....

Our old contractor David and his son Andrew came by today and picked up our old stove. Three or four of his kids still live at home because it is so difficult to find affordable housing here. They all are either chefs or involved in the food industry, so I'm sure they will put the stove to good use.

I am going to a 'huddle' today...action two of the ten actions which will be undertaken as an offshoot of the Women's March during the first 100 days to combat the exhausting and frenzied new administration. Huddles are small, grassroots gatherings where we meet to brainstorm about where to go from here. It seems remarkably well organized and a good idea. There are over 3,000 huddles taking place across the country and around the world. You can check it out here if you are interested in reading an overview or  participating in any of the events.

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