Everybody's Busy

Clockwise from left:
A hike to the quarry with Tim, Owen, Olive and Ozzie
A picture of Dana, Jim and friends in Chicago
Pop and Owen on the driving range

I think today's collage is interesting not because of the quality of the pictures but because of the fact that there is always somebody with a phone around and pictures can be taken and transmitted as they happen.  I took the quarry picture with Tim's phone because I forgot my camera. Dana sent the picture of her with Jim and their old friends from Chicago days, Mark and Christina. Christina was in Dana and Jim's wedding. Tim took the picture of Owen and OilMan at the driving range and sent it to me.

This morning we  explored the quarry...is every quarry on earth a popular gathering spot for teenagers? This one had a large fire pit scattered with empty cans of 'Spiked Fruit Punch". Who else would drink that stuff? It was otherwise a pretty place and offered a view over the Sonoma Valley from the top. If our house weren't in a bit of a 'hollow', we could have seen it from up there. Owen was happy collecting feathers and lichen covered twigs and discussing the finer points of each. 

While OilMan and Tim watched golf at Pebble Beach, Owen and I went to the bookstore and to Olivers to get some of his favorite bread to take home. I told him it was a good thing I took him with me because he is very observant, found the items on the food bank's list and put them in the barrels outside the store and remembered where I parked the car. 

We had some good conversations about what constitutes a good artist, what constitutes good art, and the clouds. 

While he was helping me cut some lettuce for tonight's salad, he told me that he didn't want to leave because there was 'always so much to do here'. I refrained from reminding him that he didn't want to come either....change is not something that is easy for Owen.

Peter is due soon with Blake and Rudy for dinner. He had a better offer last night from the girls' soccer team last night.

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