I had been dreading this long run all week but we went for it this morning and ended up doing a half marathon. the first 5k was hard, then it was all fine and then on the last 5k my legs were like lead with my left knee and right hip complaining. I must be wonky. it was so slushy and muddy too, my feet were soaking but I'm pleased we did it. my knees are still complaining. I hope I can walk tomorrow.

then we dropped all three kids off at the swimming pool while we went shopping at lidl. afterwards, we ate loads at the gordon highlander pub while watching the rugby.
it was a dirty tea, but so good.

home to loll around and watch the return of the king. I finished knitting daisy's hat, so I'll do myself one next...I'll have to go into that wool shop again though, jeezo.

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