The Water Bowl Study

We had our second session sitting down by the water bowls last night and it was just wonderful to be sitting only 4 metres from the table.  Not quite so many visited in the 20 minute time frame that we were monitoring as the night before, HOWEVER, we could hear the Gang Gangs sitting in the tree just above us chatting away and obviously deciding whether it was safe to come down to drink.  I can't remember sitting on the lower deck when they have arrived before.  And then they swooped almost knocking our wigs off, it was a magical moment.  They had decided that they were in friendly territory.  Wow, we won't forget that moment in a hurry.

These were the only four species that arrived late last evening......
The Grey fantail,
Brown Thornbill
Eastern Spinebill and
Gang Gang Cockatoo.

So that's 10 species so far over the two days we have been monitoring the bowls.

We only have to monitor the bowls for 20 minutes three days out of the week and we don't have to do it at the same time every day.  It's a fascinating study and for my blip buddies who missed the link yesterday - here it is.  The Australian Bird Feeding and Watering Study  They are keen for as many Australians who feed or provide water for birdlife to take part and are happy for people to start part way into the study.  Every bit of the information collected will count.

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