A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Who put Albi in a corner?

She did. Over excited about the sofa being moved out a millimetre more than usual after yesterday's hiding escapades she wandered around for a look, came to a dead end (table blocking the exit), sat down and barked. Turns out her reverse gear is broken. After yesterday's whistle-blowing I took the opportunity for mocking photo revenge.

A long and languid (ish) Sunday. Well it has felt that way despite my watch informing me I have walked over 18,000 steps. But again that's the pooch for you.

The other main events seemed to involve different television events with the kids - the surprisingly interesting Chelsea Burnley football game and the not surprisingly gripping final episodes of season 2 of Pretty Little Liars with Anna. Now just to persuade Carlos to stop listening to the School of Rock soundtrack (he and Anna saw the show this afternoon) and lusting over Marshall stacks on YouTube and join me to watch the BAFTAs and I can get the hat-trick.

Lesley x

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